Agent Profile


Megan Zottoli

Megan grew up in the Berkshires and summered in Woods Hole, eventually becoming a full-time resident. She was the owner of Megan’s Swim Program, where she worked for 17 years teaching roughly 100 children daily how to swim in the ocean. She currently teaches black and white film photography during the summer sessions at the Woods Hole Children’s School of Science and is also the Night Manager at The National Academy of Sciences, facilitating conferences and special events. Community is important to Megan and she volunteers to coordinate and run the annual Woods Hole May Festival, obtaining permits through the Falmouth Board of Health and Board of Selectmen, as well as securing vendors and activities for the event. Megan has run a Property Management business for close to a decade overseeing rentals, maintenance and security of private homes. This led her to a career in Real Estate with  Weichert Realtors - Donahue Partners where she is dedicated to working on behalf of her clients to buy and sell homes on Cape Cod and throughout Massachusetts.

Phone : 508-410-1509

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